Saturday, January 21, 2012


Yesterday, I started obsessing big time. I think it's because I don't feel any symptoms no matter how much I prod myself (or try to feel them) and that brought me a little down. We have always known that there was a possibility of IVF not working, and my RE told us the success change was around 35% (though online it says at my age with my number of eggs it's as high as 65%), but we always hoped to be part of that 35%, of course. :)

I really wanted to POAS yesterday but held off. Today is 5dp5dt and I still feel nothing (though I still do wake up every night to pee and the I feel weird squirting feelings [won't go into that, don't worry] and cramping and can't fall back asleep). I googled "5dp5dt" and the top result was made by a poster six years ago where she said she felt nothing and was feeling down. It turns out that she got her BFP that cycle. Five years later, someone else posted and said that they were glad to find that website because she was also 5dp5dt and felt nothing .. she also got her BFP that cycle, so I had to post in hopes that their lucky dust passes to me !

I love the weekends. Yesterday was such a hectic day at work but I got what I needed to out and that is a relief. These next five weeks or so are going to be hell. One day at a time. Chris is sleeping again .. he woke up at noon (finally) and we went out for a little while (we are so spoiled ... mom made us lunch), and then he came back and passed out again around three. I'm just laying next to him watching Supernanny.

Tomorrow is my family's Chinese New Year celebration and soon it will be the year of the dragon.


  1. Please don't worry about no symptoms!!! Can't wait till Monday to see what your peed on stick says.

    1. So excited about your ER today - woke up and it was my first thought. Snuggle deep in there, little embies.. your Aunt Emily wants to meet you. :)
